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WA Helpful Facts

  • September 14, 2021 3:50 PM | Margie Mathews (Administrator)

    Question:  Could someone speak to the security of WA websites. Some members are concernd that the address is not https and they sometimes get MicroSoft warnings that the site is not secure. Are there steps we should be taking. Is WA involved in this issue at all?

    Resolution:  You need to go to your domain names in WA and request an SSL certificate. That will resolve the issue. 

  • September 14, 2021 3:49 PM | Margie Mathews (Administrator)

    In all honesty, the simplest way is to create a newsletter offline. Then make a PDF of it and add it as a link in an email.

  • August 13, 2021 9:08 AM | Margie Mathews (Administrator)

    Question:  where a member starts a renewal at one level and then, for reasons at aren't clear, starts another renewal at a different level. They are then Renewal - Pending at the latest level, but have two outstanding invoices.

    Response:  If you have the option set so that someone can change levels, then what is probably happening is that they are getting a renewal invoice for the 1st level and when they go in to renew, they are changing to a different level will generate another new invoice. However, if their existing membership level is "Pending" the option to change is not available in their profile. My suggestion would be to try this out yourself to see what the status is when you send out your renewal invoices. 



  • August 11, 2021 1:59 PM | Margie Mathews (Administrator)

    When ever an image is inserted into the website from FILES, it has a path for which to find that image.  The same is true for documents.  

    So, for example you have images of your BODs on a page in the website.  Those images were originally stored in your main Pictures folder.  Now you decide that you want to be more organized and create a folder called BOD Images and move all those images to that folder.  Much to your surprise and chagrin, those pictures no longer show on the BOD page.  

    So then you decide to move all the pictures back to the Pictures folder and they still do not appear.  This is because they lost the path when they were moved.

    Best way to handle this is to create your new folder for images or documents and then COPY the images and documents to the new folders. 

    Yees it will take up more space, but you will not lose your links and you can then move forward with organizing your images and documents in new folders.

  • August 05, 2021 8:32 AM | Margie Mathews (Administrator)

    If you need to change the document in your Rules & Terms membership field (or Common Field), doing so will not force your members to recheck that field.  

    What you need to do is export all your members and change the value in that field to N. and then reimport them. It will not change any other data in your member's information. That way they will have to check the box the next time they access their profile.

    See this example of the export file after is is modified and ready for import.

  • August 04, 2021 2:13 PM | Margie Mathews (Administrator)

    There are 2 schools of thought regarding this:

    1). Add a field(s) for donations (similar to the fields in your donations settings) as membership fields.  If you add the field and make it optional, it is NOT something that will come up at the time of their renewal UNLESS they put in a previous amount in that field. When the invoices are created for renewal, and the member has not chosen to donate through their profile field, it will not show that amount in the renewal invoice and will not be a part of their renewal amount due. AND those fields need to be designated to be added to the renewal amount each year. However, if you receive a donation this way AND need to track it separately, then you will have to run a report to pull out all the donations from you dues received.

    2). The easier way to do all of this is to set up a donation page and put a link into your Default Member's Renewal Invoice suggesting that if the wish to make a donation to click on the link provided. This way the donation will be applied properly in WA, they will get a receipt that they can use for a tax deduction and they can then proceed to pay their dues at the same time. 

  • July 28, 2021 6:37 AM | Margie Mathews (Administrator)

    How can a member be ACTIVE when they have gone past their renewal date and it has been set to be lapsed. I'm totally unclear on how to correct both incorrect statuses in our members profiles?

    The reason that this occurs is that you have not set up your renewal information to lapse a member after they have gone past the date allowed for renewals.  

  • July 28, 2021 6:34 AM | Margie Mathews (Administrator)

    Why do some renewal fields say NEVER and others give the correct renewal date in the very same Membership Level for various members in their profiles? Have I confused the settings in the RENEWAL set up in this particular field? 

    It could be one of 2 reasons.  1). You have not set up a renewal for a given date or join date or 2) you have not set up an dues $ amount. 

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